From the President

The Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. is pleased to announce the latest publication of our informational booklet. The booklet provides a brief history of the formation of the Foundation as well as information on the programs and sponsorships the foundation offers as well as the sponsored programs to fulfill the mission to “improve vision through research, education, and supporting access to care.”

We have learned over past decades that our efforts in funding pediatric ophthalmology research have been the primary reason that we have had fewer and fewer children with strabismus (crossed eyes) to treat. Our research dollars have helped develop new, non-surgical treatments for this problem, and additional research and endowment programs are all being funded as well by your faithful support.

Every donation will assist in making a tremendous difference in the lives of children by helping the Foundation to fulfill its mission.

Sir Knights, aside from his salvation, there is no greater gift for man on this earth than the gift of sight. Through your generous contributions, lives are being changed; research is being funded, which is allowing mankind to lead more fruitful and blessed lives.

God is THE giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). As His image-bearers we are called to copy His giving, to be “mini-pictures” of His infinitely large heart. The larger our hearts (and the wider our hands), the larger the picture we paint of God’s character.

I hope you will assist us in our efforts in finding a cure for the many eye diseases in pediatrics.

Our mission continues…


David J. Kussman