52nd Voluntary Campaign

Greetings to the Sir Knights of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar


It is indeed a high honor to be addressing each of you today as the Chairman for the 52nd Annual Knights Templar Eye Foundation Voluntary Campaign! As Knights Templar, there are many great and wonderful things that we do; perhaps none more so than diligently working towards the end goal of the gift of sight. As Masons, we should always be searching for Light, and how exciting it is for us as Knights Templar to help bring Light to others through our gifts to the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc.

Before we embark on this 52nd Annual Campaign, we should first thank Sir Knight Jeffrey A. Bolstad, our Right Eminent Grand Captain General of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, for the outstanding job he did with the 51st Annual Campaign. His energy, enthusiasm, and Service to the Lord helped us raise an amazing $1,065,463!

Over the coming months, I look forward to sharing the many wonderful programs we participate in to help promulgate the research, education, and access to eye care. These programs include pediatric ophthalmology grants through career starter and competitive renewal grants; endowed professorships with the Mayo Clinic, Wilmer Eye Institute, and the Baylor College of Medicine; and travel grants that we provide to The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO).

The Officers and Trustees of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation are ably assisted in their endeavors by an amazing Scientific Advisory Committee. The ten doctors on the Scientific Advisory Committee help us to ensure that the research, education, and practical application continues to be among the most cutting edge, and beneficial to those with whom we are seeking to help. I highly encourage each of you to attend your annual Department Conference meeting so that you can have the opportunity to visit in person with one of these doctors. I assure you, listening to their presentation, and seeing the amazing things that they are working on, will change your life for the better, and make you even more proud to be a Knights Templar!

Further, to help provide incentives to our Sir Knights, we have special programs for donations that include a myriad of giving levels, as well as accepting Memorial Donations, Honorary Gifts, and Wills and Bequests. Depending on the level of your gift, you could be eligible for the Knight Crusader of the Cross, as well as an Individual Life Sponsor, or 100% Participation award for your Commandery, or even a 100% Participation award for your Grand Commandery.

Sir Knights, the bottom line is that the Knights Templar Eye Foundation continues to do great work, and we can only continue to do those great works through your continued support. Thank you to each of you for what you do for Templary, and May God Bless You for continuing your support in this 52nd Annual Knights Templar Foundation Voluntary Campaign.


Jack M. Harper II, REDC-SC, KCT

Chairman, 52nd Annual Voluntary Campaign

Brandon Mullins