The Life Sponsor Challenge - Update


As reported earlier this year - -During the 2018 annual conclave of the Grand Commandery of Ohio, the Grand Commanderies of Ohio and Texas engaged in a friendly competition. The challenge was which Grand Commandery would be the first to attain 100% Life Sponsorship participation in the Knights Templar Eye Foundation.

On October 15, 2019, one year after the competition was announced, the Grand Commandery of Ohio achieved 100% Life Sponsorship with 6,685 members. Thus, technically, Ohio “won” the competition. However, this did not stop the Grand Commandery of Texas. On March 31, 2020, Texas became the first Grand Commandery to reach 200% Life Sponsorship participation with 5,772 members.

On October 10, 2020 at the 178th Annual Conclave in Ohio thanks to the generosity of the Sir Knights of Forest City Commandery No. 40 made a major contribution to make the Grand Commandery of Ohio now 200% Life Sponsorships.

On behalf of the officers and trustees, the Foundation would like to thank the Grand Commandery of Ohio and Forest City Commandery for continuing the challenge to ensure both Ohio & Texas Grand Commanderies not only reach the 100% status but now 200%.

Brandon Mullins