53rd Voluntary Campaign

Greetings Sir Knights,

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It has been my privilege and pleasure to serve our fraternity over the past 30-plus years in many capacities. Whether it has been through election or appointment to a leadership position or helping with a local fundraiser, I have invariably said “YES!” when invited to serve. Last Christmas Eve, when our Most Eminent Grand Master phoned and asked if I would serve our Sir Knights as chairman for the 53rd Annual Voluntary Campaign, I hesitated for a few seconds! In my mind, I wondered, “Why is he asking me?” It has been my honor to serve the Sir Knights in Ohio as state chairman for 10 years, but I was not prepared for this question. I gathered myself and quickly said, “YES!”, because when the Grand Master calls upon you to serve, you say “YES!” I pray that I can carry on the great work of those who have preceded me in this role.

During my tenure as Ohio chairman, the Sir Knights from our jurisdiction have been incredibly generous in their support of the Eye Foundation. We never miss an opportunity to remind them that their financial support is critical to the success in the research to prevent pediatric blindness. In 2018, our membership took on the challenge of becoming 100% vested as KTEF Life Sponsors. One year later, we reached our goal! I am incredibly proud of the Sir Knights and Ladies who made it happen! We may have beaten our friends from Texas to the finish line, but the real winner was the KTEF.

A few short months ago, our world changed. But our obligation as Christian Masons has not. Whether we are assisting our shut-in brothers and neighbors with groceries or household chores or supporting doctors and scientists working to find a key that will allow a child who has never stared in amazement at a rainbow to see one for the first time, we always find a way to wrap others “in the broad mantle of a Mason’s charity.” There is no doubt in my mind we will continue to do so.

Over the coming months, we will continue to share success stories of those working on the front lines of the critical research providing the gift of sight. Our support is truly life cha

In His Service,

R. Thomas Starr, KCT
VEDGC - Ohio

Brandon Mullins