55th Voluntary Campaign

Greetings Sir Knights of the Grand Encampment
Whether Therefore Ye Eat, or Drink, or Whatsoever Ye Do, Do All to The Glory of God

Greetings to my fellow Sir Knights of the Grand Encampment. I am deeply honored to serve you as Chairman for the 55th Annual Voluntary Campaign for the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. During the next several months, I will endeavor to keep you up to speed regarding the great progress being made because of your generous contributions. But first we all owe Sir Knight Lon W. Kvasager, KCT, REPDC a sincere congratulations for spearheading a highly successful 54th Annual Voluntary Campaign. That final tally was $4,203,770.77, and a thank you to Sir Knight Kvasager and to all who contributed for making it an overwhelming success.

To help provide incentives to our Sir Knights, we have special programs for donations as well as accepting Memorial Donations, Honorary Gifts, and Trust, Wills and Bequests. For those that enroll in the Grand Masters Club you become eligible for the Crusader’s Cross, and for those that make a donation for a Life Sponsor, you help your Commandery to reach the 100% Participation award, or even a 100% Participation award for your Grand Commandery. As State Chairman of Florida, I have asked the Sir Knights to make it our goal to get Florida’s Grand Commandery at 100% life sponsor membership. So, Florida can have the same bragging right so many other Grand Commanderies have accomplished. I am privileged to belong to the first Commandery in the Grand Encampment to accomplish 100% Life Sponsor membership in 1966.

Sir Knights, the bottom line is that the Knights Templar Eye Foundation continues to do great work, and we can only continue to do this through your continued support. Thank you to each of you for what you do for Templary, and May God Bless You for your support in this 55th Annual Knights Templar Eye Foundation Voluntary Campaign. Please remember what the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

In Christ Service,

Paul W. Friend, PGC, KTCH

Chairman, 55th Annual Voluntary Campaign

Brandon Mullins