KTEF Research Endowment Established at Boston Children's Hospital
For more than two decades, the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. (KTEF) has supported Boston Children's researchers working to treat, cure, and prevent vision loss. Now, through a $2million gift matched by the Children’s Hospital Ophthalmology Foundation, Boston Children’s Hospital has established the KTEF Research Endowment.
Visual impairment in children can lead to developmental delays, learning disabilities, depression, and other negative consequences. Without treatment, these young people may require lifelong assistance. As leaders in pediatric ophthalmic disease research, Boston Children’s investigators have the potential to improve outcomes and enhance the quality of life for all individuals affected by vision-threatening conditions. “This endowment ensures that our experts can continue conducting basic science and translational research to advance our understanding of sight-threatening conditions,” says Ophthalmologist-in-Chief David G. Hunter, MD, PhD.
The KTEF Research Endowment will be overseen initially by Dr. Hunter and Lois E. H. Smith, MD, PhD, professor of ophthalmology. Scientists selected for endowment support will conduct bold research to advance their understanding of numerous ocular disorders, including strabismus, or crossed eyes; retinopathy of prematurity, a disease that can blind preterm infants; amblyopia, or “lazy eye”; and nystagmus, a condition with uncontrollable, rhythmic eye movements. They also will explore the use of artificial intelligence to refine ophthalmic imaging, use data science to build a comprehensive database of pediatric eye disease, and work to develop novel therapies to correct or prevent pediatric forms of blindness.